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Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Monday, August 22, 2011

Thank you!

 I just 'gotta' add! Thank you Beecher, Mr. Littmann and Mr. Proch!!! On our way home we broke down!!! We were on the freeway and the car just stopped having power! Ugg! I confess I was a little excitable and said "Pull over pull over!!!" Praise the Lord my dear husband IGNORED me! He kept going, on down the freeway, to the exit, through a yield sign, a green light and 2 blocks later ended up in a parking spot at a gas station! Only he could pull that one off! I always knew he was wonderful and he proved it again:)
  The Littmanns and Proch's had been driving ahead of us and wondered 'Where did they go?"  Praise the Lord our cell phone had been forgotten at the Littmanns and Beecher had the idea to use it to find the girls phone numbers...as I was frantically trying to find the Littmanns phone number (via my kindle) Beecher called! Wow! So out they all came to take Brett to an auto parts store and with 5 minutes to spare, they got the part, installed it and we were on our way! Well,....not quite on our way yet! We thoroughly enjoyed some more sweet fellowship, the kids and I had the incredible pleasure of getting to know Beecher more! The men had more meaningful minutes of visiting! That has got to be one of the best break downs we have had yet! Thank you!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Adams,
We praise the Lord for our new precious friends.
Love from the Littmann Crew