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Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Monday, August 29, 2011

A Day With The Bugs!

Noni bugs that is! Here is the littlest one! I didn't see the other one much, he was outside playing with Uncle Sam and Aunt Ella all day! ( No not you Uncle Sam Saffa!)


Anonymous said...

He's so cute!I love babies!!!!!!

God Bless!

The Adams Family said...

He was so excited to be talking to me I loved it! It was a 'poor' pic of me but it was a perfect progression of him smiling and then reaching for me! SWEET!

Anonymous said...

LOL!! HE looks like he is waving in the top picture!! He is such a cutie!! :)


The Adams Family said...

Hey Jill, now that I look at your sweet baby...it looks like he was more excited about the TOY I was holding than his noni bug! LOL! The boys are soo darling! LOVE YOU GUYS! mom