And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place.(Acts 17:26)
There is only one Race of men, (the human race) which is what our beloved Apostle Paul is telling the greeks in this passage, from which all the subsequent nations(ethnos) are derived, we are all either sons of God, or as Jesus said "Ye are of your father the devil", sons of the evil one, but nonetheless, we are all brothers in the human race.Welcome to our Civil War Page!
"Nothing fills me with deeper sadness than to see a Southern man apologizing for the defense we made of our inheritance. Our cause was so just, so sacred, that had I known all that has come to pass, had I known what was to be inflicted upon me, all that my country was to suffer, all that our posterity was to endure, I would do it all over again" Jefferson Davis
And that defense, and cause had not a thing to do with slavery but the sovereign rights of individual states.
It is a crown of glory--a most glorious crown. Not merited by your labors or sufferings in the Lord's service--but graciouslypromised, and gratuitously bestowed. Promised by your glorious Leader, preserved most carefully in the palace of the Most High God--to be awarded to every faithful soldier at the final and grand review. ~James Smith 1864
" As reenactors we fight to preserve the past, our service men and women fight to preserve our future".Jamie Bryan
(Robinsons Light Artillery/Kelly's Confed. Irish Brigade)
Some pics from TN 2012 coming soon!We had a lot of fun at Shiloh TN. We had to march about a mile and a half to get to the battle though, but it was still fun, the battles were long, and we burned the most powder we had ever burned at a re-enactment, our commander said the field was at least a mile long, and we fought across the whole field the first day, and we got right up to the cannons, but we were not allowed to take them, it was a really fun event especially since my great great great grandpaDavid Washington Self fought there 150 years ago and was wounded on the second day. That is the main reason why we went, it was an all around fun event. The dance was huge, there was so many people that I couldn't count them all.
thanks for your interest, Malachi Adams
Somewhere on the web I found this excerpt from an article;
The Victorian period, generally the time between 1837 and the 1890's, is named after Britain's Queen Victoria, a long lived and highly influential monarch in an era when women had little power or opportunity.
In those days, women lived at the largess of men - first their fathers or guardians, then their husbands. A young lady was expected to be meek and mild, to acquiesce to her father's or husband's wishes."
And all I have to say is, "Ahh the good ol' days".~Dana
Dana's venting for the day......
Wow!!! Our family spends a 'great' part of our life, researching, teaching and reliving history. Our purpose is to educate ourselves, our children and the people we come into contact with. It is our duty as christians, and ancestors of those brave fallen heroes from the civil war, and just plain folks who love all that is the truth.
One of the most frustrating things in my life personally, is the complete ignorance (ignorant is without knowledge, not stupid) of the truth surrounding the civil war. Sometimes we speak to people about 'true' history and they listen and learn and that is neat. Other times I walk away with a 'smile and nod' knowing I am wasting my time. But sometimes I get REALLY worked up like now! Why? Because I came across a random news article...AND...I really hate it when liberal democrats know more of the truth of history than my fellow brethren in Christ!!! Look at his comments;
"I'm embarrassed as a Missourian that [Proposition C is] even on the ballot," says state senator Jolie Justus, a Kansas City Democrat who is tired of arguments about federal powers and state rights. "I was under the impression we resolved the issue of the supremacy clause and states' rights with the Civil War."
Read more:,8599,2008087,00.html#ixzz1WNYIfz9H
Read more:,8599,2008087,00.html#ixzz1WNYIfz9H
Jamie 's son; Derek Ray, U.S Army...have you thanked a service man today? Thank you Derek!
Gearing up for Lamoni, Iowa 150th event! Another civilian/militia impression! I imagine we will need our cloaks and coats in the evening! We will post pics following the event!
Hey you kids strighten up!! |
Thats better:)! |
Man wearing a secession cockade |
Billy boy |
David and Machaira |
Sammy boy n friends |
Glad to see y'all comin back! |
The Boys with the Blue Cockade!
By Sallie Ada Reedy.
The South is our beautiful mother, and now,
While womanhood flits, like a gem in her crest;
The winds of the North shall not visit her brow,
Or wither [tear in paper] that blooms on her breast.
Her sons they are brave, and her daughters are dear,
And loyal the swords at her feet now laid;
And it were as a thing never born to know fear,
Are the hearts of the Boys with the Blue Cockade.
The South is our home, on each hearth is a flame
That was lit while our mothers were meekly at prayer,
And he who would quench it must daringly aim
His blow at the hearts who have kindled it there.
The stranger who crosses our threshold must come
In faith that a Southerner never betrayed;
For the South, the beautiful south is our home,
And her pride is the Boys with the Blue Cockade.
We've kindled her altars, and still to the end,
With hand clasped in hand we will stand by her fires,
As brothers united to guard and defend
The beautiful land where we've buried our sires,
No stranger of insolent foeman shall tread
O'er the graves where the dust of our heroes is laid.
Our mothers and daughters—our living and dead—
We'll trust to the Boys with the Blue Cockade.
Mosby |
More Waverly Pics!
Secession Badge
Have you all noticed the blue 'badges' some of the guys are wearing in the pictures below? They are Secession Badges. Every southern state had their own version of a secession badge.Missouri badges were a double layer of blue ribbon with two tails. They were often accompanied by a gold button, upon which was inscribed; 'Missouri Minute Man'. Every man, woman and child wore one between the years 1860-1861. They fell out of popularity when the federals began to harass, arrest, abuse and hang persons who wore one. On sight! Unthinkable isn't it? Or is it? I mean, if everyone who didn't care for the current president began to wear a symbol which indicated their dislike of him, couldn't you just see store owners, police or neighbors who are Obamaham sympathizers harassing you or 'finding fault' with you? Would you still wear one? I can completely understand why they fell out of popularity. I am glad that today we have the freedom to wear the secession badge. All we need now is the courage to do so!
What a great event Waverly is! Praise the Lord it was cooler this year! We missed the main event of the reenactment of Joe Shelbys wedding performed by our Elliotts Scouts own Mr. James Pelis. Cool!
Now does that look like a 'mean' Joe Green? Naah! |
Daddy saving the day with watermelon! |
Mr. Pelis |
Some of the Adler boys |
My beautiful southern belle! |
Billy boy! Ella loves to sing about Billy! |
Another sweet southern belle! |
Michael, an Elliott Sprout! |
You know, it is a shame when we confederates have to 'galvanize' (act the role of yankees) but we do it when there arent enough of those blue coats around. We do it for the sake of history and truth and re-living history so that folks are informed about 'non-revised' history. Well it is all good and well when the guys have to do it...but us ladies and children! Ugg! Well we did. And did it without feeling like a traitor! All part of our job! I sure think Waverly is a great little town. Not only is it a confederate town, that honorably honors its own Joe Shelby, but that little town of 800 people get totally over run for the weekend and then thank us for coming! Total southern hospitality!
Hulston Mills 2011!
Robinsons Light Artillery |
Malachi |
Nice 'Mean Joe Green' |
Heather and her sweet baby! |
Some of 'The Gang' |
Dinner anyone? |
The Mill |
A tent (smaller and much cleaner than ours!) |
Hi Jaime! Uhh Mal you okay?? |
Whos the old lady? O! Its me! |
Machaira and Haley |
The Elliott Scouts on the line |
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Machaira, Brian, Abby, Dad in the background w/Charity |
Zouave jacket |
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Secession Cockade |
June 4, Rolla Missouri
Wow what a fantastic living history event! Thank you to Garret Gable(check out his book "History of Yancy Mills, MO~he can be reached at and the Historical society in Rolla for putting on and hosting a most educational and historical event! What a memorable weekend for the Adams family and I know, many others!
Brett & Garrett |
Abi & Kyra w/spectator |
Sam 'n Ella Rolla 2011 |
Do you see how BIG those oxen are? Rolla |
You know, it was a historical 'reenactment'. Meaning; that we re-enacted an historical event. I was blessed to see so many folks in Rolla MO actually see 're-lived', some of the events which occurred there 150 years ago. Being a re-enactor is not always easy. You re-enact history~a history that is full of injustice and atrocities and just plain 'unfair' events. Well this was one of those re-enactments! The event that we portrayed was back in the time when the citizens of Rolla were debating secession and had decided to secede, the Confederate flag was flying above the courthouse, and had for five weeks. The duly elected judge McBride, later General McBride, saw that Union troups were approaching. Obviously for nefarious deeds, since they had been pillaging and burning and harassing citizens where ever they went... It was a legal proceeding, handled in a lawful manner (as all 'state' issues were up until that time) and MO decided to secede from the union~ a legal right it had to do. (That was part of the agreement of entering the union, they had the freedom to leave the 'party' when they so chose). Well, here is how our reenactment proceeded; Judge Hickle and Malachi Adams came out on the balcony to declare the decision of the debate and no sooner did you see Federals...aka Yankees; approaching the courthouse, What did they want? Well they proceeded to take down the flag and put up their own. They told the people that the legal proceedings they just had, meant nothing because ABE decided he was going to do things otherwise. They proceeded to make law abiding citizens 'take the oath' which was swearing allegiance to the federal union...something that George Washington, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, or any of our Founding Fathers would abhor and go to their graves, rather than take, an oath that most Christians today, would not be able to take. Those law abiding citizens who legally proceeded to secede who would not take the oath, were hauled off to jail as traitors. All of this even though they had done all things legally and in order. Can you imagine that in this day? Making a law for MO, in MO and having the Federal gov't come in and say "NO Obamaham decided you have no authority to do that." For example, what if we pass a law in MO saying we can homeschool? Then the Fed gov't finds out and suddenly decides we can't? What if they told you "We make the rules now, swear your allegiance to him". Can you imagine? I can, because I was there in Rolla this weekend. You can't imagine the injustice or the sense of helplessness those folks must have felt. Though it was a difficult re-enactment for me in the sense of what we were re-enacting~that is what it is all about. Educating folks about real, unrevised history. History is a great teacher. It shows you where we 'were' so that Lord willing we don't make the mistakes to 'go' there again. I wasn't the only one who was angered at those events of so long ago~ there were folks in the crowd who said "that makes me mad!". Even though they don't make the connection. Well as I said to the (fantastic) SCV couple who was there, Mr/Mrs Meyers; "It is understandable that I'm still mad about this. I've only had 150 years to get over it!"
belles all in one! Thanks for the great pix Charity!
The Littlest Rebel |
Our little confederates |
Bob Green |
Robert E Lee; "Duty is the sublimest word in the language. You can never do more than your duty. You should never wish to do less. -
First ballgown |
My Great Great Grandfather and Grandmother Major and Mrs. David Washington Self |
Some of the good ol boys! |
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