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Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Monday, August 22, 2011

Fellowship Divine!

 Sweet like-minded fellowship is a rare thing indeed! I don't mean fellowship where all involved agree exactly on every doctrinal issue; but the type of fellowship where we have Christ in common.
 Our family was eternally blessed by all of the families we met this week as we had the privilege of helping with the filming of "Sons of Georgia". Where do I begin? The Littmann family of course! Stephen is doing an incredible job of directing this movie! The Saffa family! They wrote the script and what an amazing job they did! We were so blessed to meet the McCardie family, the Browns, the Proch's, the Prices, the Dischers, the Brabos, the Englands, Aschbrenners, Mays....Wow! Thank you all for the precious memories!~ Forgive me if I fail to mention anyone!!!
  And as if that weren't enough...the Lord gave me a special blessing in that we were FINALLY able to meet the Servens! Pastor Marcus and Cheryl it was a pure pleasure to meet and fellowship with you on Sunday!  Brett is looking forward to the Mens Advance and we pray that pastor Morecraft is able to come!

  We hope you all are able and willing to stay in touch with us! 
  We have  'coined a phrase' in our home; "Its all eternal". All of the relationships and experiences that we shared have eternal value and we thank you again for the great experience!
  Many blessings on all of you dear saints of God!
 OH!! Anyone feel free to  email us pictures as I didn't get a single one! We will post them on our blog! Thank you:)

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