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Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Talk is cheap....

James Smith, "Daily Food for the Lord's Flock!" 1848)

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men!" 1 Peter 2:15

The ungodly are to be silenced by our deeds--rather than by our words. They may refuse to hear us speak--but they cannot help seeing us walk!
  Well I'm not sure that talk is cheap actually...because Scripture says that we will give an account of every word we speak. It is true however,  that we heavily influence our spouse, our children and our companions by the way that we walk. We must walk worthy of our high calling in Christ Jesus if we will glorify Him with our lives.
  It is difficult to speak in a way that is inconsistent with our walk though isn't it? Unless one is particularly deceitful and manipulative, which I know there are folks who are that way. But generally, what we speak comes forth from the abundance of what is in our heart.
  You may be surprised that I say we are able to influence our 'spouse'. I have seen it time and time again where a contentious wife tears down her husband, yea her entire house with her words (and deeds). Therefore can it not work in the other way that if we control our tongue and are sure that our actions glorify the Lord, that we will build up our spouse and strengthen the foundations of our home?
  May the Lord direct our hearts and minds~our words and actions, to build up our families and walk in a way that is worthy of one who is a child of God. Words and deeds...yep I think that is the key:)


Discipling Mom said...

Good advice for an open mouth insert foot person like me :-)

The Adams Family said...

Good advice for us both:)

Anne said...

HI Dana!
I needed this post today. In order to be more "real" and transparent...in order to keep myself from "harboring bitterness in my heart" , I say too much. It does not really help the situation anyway. Please pray for me that I would not express my every thought! My tongue gets me in trouble...thinking I'm helping or shedding light on something...I'm just adding to the problem. Thanks Again Dana.

The Adams Family said...

Thanks for visiting Anne! I do the same thing! Lets pray for one another!
Every blessing, Dana