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Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Micah 6:8

"He has shown thee O man, what is good and what the Lord requires of thee, but to act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God".
  One issue that is a struggle for many~be they in the church or out~be they homeschoolers or not...is pride.
  We have talked about what humility is, we have talked about what pride is. But, what DOES the Lord require of us? We all self impose requirements upon ourselves, we also pick and choose the ones to follow that we see in scripture. I like to make things simple though. Especially when sharing truth with our children.
  Though I believe it is more than profitable to read the Westminster Confession or London Baptist Confession...those things require much time and attention. What little tidbit can we chew on today and show our children right now?
  This is on of my favorite verses. Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly. Who can't understand those statements?
  Are you considering how to act, respond, think or decide something? Look at the list. Which of your actions would be just, loving and humble?
  A great training tool for children when they are in a conflict....I will ask "Was that a just or fair thing for you to do?" "How could you have acted that would have shown your sibling mercy?" or 'Was that a humble response?"
  Funny thing is though...sometimes we as parents and adults need to be asking ourselves those questions more than we need to be asking them of our children. More is caught than taught.


Mary Joy said...

Excellent post! How true that is! So many times we work hard at teaching and training through all kinds of work and lessons when the greatest and most effective lessons that will stick with them for life are the ones that that are caught from our own life choices and testimony lived out right in front of them day in and day out.

Thank you for the wonderful reminder! Working on our own journey sends such a powerful message to our children. We can tell them its important to grow in Christ but checking the fruit in our own lives speaks volumes we could never communicate in a Bible lessons.

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful wisdom on this subject. You are such a blessing!


Mary Joy Pershing

The Adams Family said...

The old adage 'more is caught than taught' isnt in the bible but seems to be true none the less! Blessings, Dana

Homestead Living said...

Excellent post!
Many blessings on your family,

The Adams Family said...

Thanks for visiting Jennie! Blessings!