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Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Monday, October 3, 2011

A lesson I learned long ago...

Acorns In The Grass

 About 15 years ago I read a story by Rod and Staff. The dad was telling the little boy~who was about to go pick blackberries (or some berry!); "Son, now when you go to gather fruit, stay in one place until they are all gone around you, before moving on to another spot".
  Do you know that I use that same principle now? The kids and I gathered acorns yesterday ...and it took a bit of discipline on my part but that is exactly how I gathered them..I sat in one spot and didnt move from that place until I had gathered every acorn in my reach.
  That is a pretty good example of how we should live the Christian life I think. Not be content until we have reached out in some way to everyone within our reach. Whether it be with the gospel, a helping hand or even just a smile or word of encouragement.
  Im so grateful for technology (though we need to use it wisely) and things like this THC, where I have more of an opportunity to encourage, and be encouraged by others that would normally be 'beyond' my reach.
  May the Lord bless you in your 'outreach' today.

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