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Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Reformation Day ( Monday 31st!)

Providence Church, Peoria Illinois

 I know, I just can't seem to leave the Reformation alone! It has been that way in our home for nearly 3 years  now!
 I would encourage anyone to take some time to study the Reformation. And, just so you know, the Reformation is not over! The cry of the Reformers was 'Reformed always reforming'! Isn't that how we are to live? Continually being transformed by the renewing of our mind, conformed to the image of Christ, and reformed in our lives to always bring honor to Christ?
  So this Monday, we will be celebrating 'Reformation Day'! I wish we could have had a 'bigger event' involving lots of folks but we will be content to have our family! Daddy will be playing the role John Knox, the girls will don their renaissance dress, and we will be watching a movie on Martin Luther! Oh! Don't forget the crackling fire and sipping on egg nog!
  NORMALLY we would have 'candy' yet we are trying to cut down on sugar! Anyone have any ideas for fun and interesting snack foods?
  Well we wish you a joyful Reformation Day and our prayer for you is that you are Reformed and always Reforming!! All to the glory of Christ! Would you be willing to comment on how your family is celebrating Reformation Day today?

The Last Huzzah!!!

Pastor James McDonald and Brett in 'dress'!

They are probably talking

Pastor Marcus Serven and Brett

Brett with Bill Potter & the boys
Of our Reformation Faire adventure! I wanted to pay due honor to the wonderful speakers that were at the event. Pastor James McDonald (Providence Church & Family Reformation Ministries), Pastor Marcus Serven (Covenant Family Church & The Genevan Foundation) and William Potter (Historian, author and highly sought after lecturer).

Friday, October 28, 2011

Essential Oils!

Do you like contests? Then go here and enter this one! We love Essential Oils and use them faithfully in our home! I just got some lavendar from Stacy this weekend and Im excited about trying it out! So go check it out! http://yoursacredcalling.com/commonscentsmom/2011/10/combat-cold-and-flu-season/

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

by Grant Colfax Tullar

I do not choose the colors He worketh steadily.
Oft times He weaveth sorrow, and I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper, and I the underside.
Not till the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly
Will God unfold the pattern and explain the reason why.
For the dark threads are as needful in the Weaver's skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned."

Reformation Faire Part 3

Boffer Wars! Wow that was a ton of fun! The Dads liked it at least as much as the boys! This is another fun idea you can employ at home! We use foam tubes, and wrap them in duct tape. This keeps them from breaking easily! They can bop each other all day with these soft foam swords! For this Boffer war, they put pvc pipe inside of the foam and then wrapped it.
  This was definitely one of the highlights of all of the highland games! They also threw logs, and stones and the girls played a very vintage game of hoops. The very small children played on the playground and on the swings. It was perfect weather! We couldn't have hoped for such a nice day for the event!
We promised you a link where you can watch The Adams Clan do a little of their Scottish Country Dancing. Here it is!
  We are so grateful that we were able to attend the Reformation Faire 2011! We hope to see you there next year!
  For those of you who Facebook, here is the page for Providence Church where you can see more pictures from the event! http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.274794859227258.70852.1363...

  And don't miss this picture of our darling little Ella! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=274799009226843&set=a.27...  God bless!

Dads Determinations

We have also now changed the Dads determinations page to Dads/Husbands determinations page. We simply can't seem to be able to separate being a spouse from being a parent! More is added on this new page and we hope you view and enjoy it!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Reformation Faire Part 2

  The Reformation Faire is a yearly event. It is held at Providence Church in Peoria, Ill., where James Mc Donald is the pastor. Perhaps you've heard of his wife Stacy McDonald who has the very popular blog; yoursacredcalling.com
  The theme this year was centered around the Reformation of the 1600s and the writing of the Westminster Confession, and there were talks on the Scottish Commissioners. On top of all of the great information there were many fun activities for the kids and adults to do!
This is the sight that greets you when you arrive! It was so fun for the kids to be walking into a castle! It was really neat how they constructed it! 2x4 framing covered with a type of painted canvas! I want to try that!

Does anyone recognize this Christian brother? This is the popular Christian music artist, Nathan Clark George! The kids were as excited to see him as the adults! If you don't already know who he is, I highly recommend you looking up his music. He is amazing on the guitar!
  Another of the highlights of the event were the outdoor activities. Candle making, leather punching, board games etc. As well, we did a Scottish Dance demo for everyone! It was soo fun dancing to an actual bagpiper! He was fantastic! Below is Greg Boyd the piper!
It was such an amazing time! Tomorrow I will post a youtube link of us dancing and some pics of the Boffer wars! Another fun thing your kids can do at home!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Reformation Faire 2011

Reformation Faire 2011 Part 1

It was amazing! Where do I start? Well this will be part one, a short and sweet lesson we took from it all!
Thank you Bill Potter for this lesson! Since we do not believe in luck, but in the Sovereign and Providential care of our great God and Saviour~ instead of saying Good Luck...we say to you
Good Providence!
Brett and Machaira at Bill Potters table
  In case you dont know, Bill Potter is an excellent historian. He is an exceptional speaker and has much knowledge about the Bible and history and he clearly shows the Lord's Providential care for His people throughout history.  He is a walking encyclopedia! As if that weren't enough he has an excellent sense of humor! Brett and our son Malachi had the blessing of having breakfast with him on Saturday morning. Brett was able to introduce some of the 'Sons of Georgia' young people, to Mr. Potter as well. That was very exciting for them all!
  Part 2 soon!

Reformation Faire 2011!

It was amazing! Where do I start? Well this will be part one, a short and sweet lesson we took from it all!
Thank you Bill Potter for this lesson! Since we do not believe in luck, but in the Sovereign and Providential care of our great God and Saviour~ instead of saying Good Luck...we say to you
Good Providence!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Reformation Faire!

Busy busy week! We have the privilege of helping some more with the Sons of Georgia movie, staying with great friends, then going to the Reformation Faire in Peoria! Wow isn't that all exciting! We get to meet some dear e friends all at the same time!
Looking forward to all that the Lord has for us this weekend! Wallowing in His benefits and blessings to us~we are so undeserving~Hope you all have a blessed week/weekend! We will bring pictures back!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

HOW CAN I LOVE MY FAMILY...let me count the ways~

being patient, encouraging, kind, tender-hearted, loving, forgiving, long-suffering, smiling, .....
Doing dishes, yes. Doing laundry, yes....Really those are the easy things though! And that is no small statement with 8 children still at home:)
What other things can you add to this list....let us count the ways!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011


If toys were gold I would be rich.
If toys were sacred I would be living on holy ground.
If toys were contraband I would be in jail.
Toys are none of that.
They are however evidence that I am blessed with lots of little children who are alive and well and able to play and enjoy life....Many children in our world, country, state or towns  are not so fortunate....
Not everyone is at this season of life with their children...Some have yet to come upon it, and look forward with hopeful expectation. Others are beyond it, and look back with fond memories as they live amongst clean floors...safely....with no fear of being impaled by a lego...or getting stabbed by a stray army guy....(why does the little gun always stick straight up?)
Many of us though are at the season of life where we are feeling outnumbered by our children and more so by their toys!
  I know, I know,  throw all of the toys away and have a clean and orderly home...hmm....maybe....but....I love to see my children play and enjoy life and I'm so grateful they live in a time and place where they are free and safe to be able to do so~
  I think Ill risk being leggo'd after all :)
Praying you are all blessed with an eternal perspective today~

Friday, October 14, 2011

You're 5!

Birthday boy with Ella!
Happy Birthday Sammy Boy! O Sammy boy, O Sammy Boy we love you so!!!!

Please pray...........

Van is on the left
Please pray for this little guy as he has sustained a very bad injury and it going in for another
surgery this afternoon. 

Today Im gonna

Reformed,always reforming. ...reforming , transforming, conforming...Gonna be a long day

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Micah 6:8

"He has shown thee O man, what is good and what the Lord requires of thee, but to act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God".
  One issue that is a struggle for many~be they in the church or out~be they homeschoolers or not...is pride.
  We have talked about what humility is, we have talked about what pride is. But, what DOES the Lord require of us? We all self impose requirements upon ourselves, we also pick and choose the ones to follow that we see in scripture. I like to make things simple though. Especially when sharing truth with our children.
  Though I believe it is more than profitable to read the Westminster Confession or London Baptist Confession...those things require much time and attention. What little tidbit can we chew on today and show our children right now?
  This is on of my favorite verses. Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly. Who can't understand those statements?
  Are you considering how to act, respond, think or decide something? Look at the list. Which of your actions would be just, loving and humble?
  A great training tool for children when they are in a conflict....I will ask "Was that a just or fair thing for you to do?" "How could you have acted that would have shown your sibling mercy?" or 'Was that a humble response?"
  Funny thing is though...sometimes we as parents and adults need to be asking ourselves those questions more than we need to be asking them of our children. More is caught than taught.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


 I certainly am not the type of person that thinks "I know it all". Actually, the older I get, the less I think I know! However, at the same time, when I 'learn' something I still stand amazed!
  The other day I was not feeling well and therefore was 'grouchy'. You know, one of those times when you feel impatient and don't smile and give quick ungracious answers to those around you? You know, the ones who don't deserve it?
  Well when I was acting this way, my dear husband looked at me and raised an 'eyebrow'. I said 'why did you do that?" He said 'What?". "Raise your eyebrow'. "What is wrong with that? Brett asked. I told him 'It made me feel self conscience'. Then he said it..... "What I did made you conscience of SELF?".....WOW! Yes as a matter of fact it did and that made me very UNCOMFORTABLE. We talked about that a minute and decided that it isn't ALL bad to be made conscience of SELF. Actually, SELF needs to be exposed, confronted and conformed into the image of Christ.
  Then he related that to child training. Isn't that what we are doing? Exposing the deeds of darkness in our children's lives and bringing it to the light of Christs perfect life? So, the next time you feel self conscience, consider that perhaps that is an area where you need to die to SELF (the old man) and be made new. Old things are supposed to pass away....and theologically speaking old things HAVE passed away when you become a redeemed child of God...all things have become NEW. 
  That is our standing in the heavenly places. Practically speaking though, we work out our (secure) salvation down here with fear and trembling and daily die to self, and continually be cleansed and conformed in our thinking through the washing of Gods Word.
  May the Lord give us wisdom, and motivation, to put off the old man~ and wash ourselves and our children in His Word DAILY!
Blessings in your mission today!

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Adams Family visit with Grandma!
We're having a great visit and it will be over waaaay too soon!
So off to enjoy more of it!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I've been especially blessed...

..these past couple of days!Last night my dh brought me home a dozen red roses...earlier in the day my sweet friend mailed me an e-card. Another friend said that she was blessed by my friendship, and the evening before a dear sister came over to encourage me. Blessings come in all different packages. I'm so grateful for every single one of them! THANK YOU FRIENDS!

For a challenge...

Part 2. What humility isn't....Dads determinations page.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

For a challenge....

Go to the Dad's determinations page and be challenged....Humility part 1

Monday, October 3, 2011

A lesson I learned long ago...

Acorns In The Grass

 About 15 years ago I read a story by Rod and Staff. The dad was telling the little boy~who was about to go pick blackberries (or some berry!); "Son, now when you go to gather fruit, stay in one place until they are all gone around you, before moving on to another spot".
  Do you know that I use that same principle now? The kids and I gathered acorns yesterday ...and it took a bit of discipline on my part but that is exactly how I gathered them..I sat in one spot and didnt move from that place until I had gathered every acorn in my reach.
  That is a pretty good example of how we should live the Christian life I think. Not be content until we have reached out in some way to everyone within our reach. Whether it be with the gospel, a helping hand or even just a smile or word of encouragement.
  Im so grateful for technology (though we need to use it wisely) and things like this THC, where I have more of an opportunity to encourage, and be encouraged by others that would normally be 'beyond' my reach.
  May the Lord bless you in your 'outreach' today.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Picture of Cross on a Hill - Free Pictures - FreeFoto.com
There are so many people who are hurting. As much as we would like to offer encouragement...often there is nothing we can do or say. I have learned myself that the only one way to deal with this life's tragedy and grief, and injustice is;