
Welcome to the Adams family homepage!

Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Our day in pictures

 Charity made butter...
Aside from Machaira sewing a vest...and boys cleaning the yard...

Mom made ghee...
 Then Abby made these 'cute' little
loaves! The little kids love having
their 'own' loaf of bread!

And...last but not least, we finally started
painting my parlour! Carpet and furniture
next week Lord willing!

What kind of day did you have???


Discipling Mom said...

Very busy indeed! Right now I'm finding it difficult just to get my everyday tasks completed. Send some of your energy my way :-)

The Adams Family said...

I fear my family has the main market in the energy dept! LOL! Energy is certainly not a word that describes me lately but I am seeing some improvement! Blessings!