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Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The blessing of fellowship

     I like to call it Fellowship Divine! You know, when you spend time with like minded people! Folks who have the same world view and goals as you...true brothers and sisters in the Lord- who love the Lord and know how to pray. Well we are off for a week to spend time with families like that and I am so blessed and excited to be doing so!
No of course we all don't agree on everything, and we don't only sit around and pray when we are together! Though that would be alright! We just 'share life'. Spend time doing 'what we do' and we involve one another while we are doing it. We may do something special, but most likely we don't!
I'll miss all that I could have done being at home with school and projects and the wonderful everyday routine! But I think it is worth the time and effort to maintain these friendships and share in this fellowship divine!
It is a very worthwhile endeavor to build up friendships for all of eternity! He who has friends must show himself friendly! There aren't a whole lot of things you can give to a person that is more important than the sacrifice of yourself and your time. I never feel more blessed than when people do that for me! 
That is what we are doing by homeschooling our children. Giving them of ourselves and our time and building up relationships in their lives...relationships to their family, us their parents and helping them in their relationship to the Lord.What is more valuable than that?
Brett and I pray you all have a wonderful week in your life and in your home with your own Fellowship Divine!
God Bless!

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