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Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Saturday, September 10, 2011


A letter from another Lamplighter "guilder"! Thank you Ezra!
Dear friends and family,
This past summer, Beecher and I had the privilege to attend the first Lamplighter guild for Creative Disciplines at MohonkMountain House in New York.  The Guild is sponsored by Lamplighter Publishing, a company dedicated to furthering the Lord's work through the re-publishing of early literature.  Their mission is to grow the Kingdom by building character, one story at a time.  At the guild, we were inspired to do everything for God's glory.  We were taught and mentored by masters in voice acting, sound design, and script writing.  Being in the beauty of God's creation at Mohonk Mountain drew us closer to our creator and we were in awe of his glorious work.  Every day brought  new insights and new relationships that will never be forgotten. 
So...all that to say that Beecher and I have an opportunity to attend the Lamplighter Guild again next year.  Registration is due in January and we are hoping, of course, to go again.   Lamplighter has offered an affiliate program which is an opportunity to defray the cost of the guild.  Lamplighter will apply 30% of the retail to our registration costs.  In this way, we can raise money for tuition.  Christmas is right around the corner, and we wanted to remind you of Lamplighter.  If you want great gifts like books or beautiful radio dramas, check out www.lamplighterpublishing.com.  We love their stories and really love their radio dramas.  Liza listens to the audio drama, The Basket of Flowers, literally over and over and Asa's favorite is Charlie's Choice.  Mom reads the timeless classics to all of us.  If you are in need of gifts that have meaning and want to order, please consider adding our guild number on your order form or mentioning it during your phone order.  Our affiliate number is GUILD29.  We are excited about Lamplighter.  The books and audios have been a great part of our growing up  and we look forward to your enjoying them, too.  Feel free to call us if you would like recommendations.
Thanks so much!
Ezra Proch

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