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Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Blessing my husbands vision...

I often warn Christian moms, and myself~to be careful not to build kingdoms
in their lives that don't include their husbands. It is a problem that I see time and time
again. One question I ask myself is , "How can I bless my husbands vision?".
First; recognize that he has one whether it is stated or not.
Second; realize that the Lord placed him over me ~I am
2nd in command not first.
Third; use all of my strengths, talents, and gifts to bless
and to advance his vision.
The Lord has given our husbands the perfect helpmeet! I totally believe that our
willingness to bless our husbands vision~will 'make or break the man'.
May the Lord give me grace to 'make the man', all that the Lord has intended
for him to be~insomuch as it depends upon me.


Mrs Mary Joy Pershing said...

How true this is! Thank you so much for putting into such beautiful words. I needed this reminder this morning. God bless you and your family!


Mrs Mary Joy Pershing

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mary Jo! Thanks for visiting our blog!
Blessings on you all as well!