
Welcome to the Adams family homepage!

Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Its all eternal...

  Well we Adams did not fall off of the face of the earth..this past 8 days or so, our family has survived some traumatic events. The Lord has, as usual, been gracious to bring us through. Trauma's are difficult to go through, but I find that sometimes, in the aftermath...things aren't much easier. If you're like me, you are ok during a trial but when the stormy seas settle, then your rough times begin. I keep thinking of a song;
Jesus, all for Jesus
all I am and have
and ever hope to be.
For its "only in your will
that I am free"...
Wow, the Sovereignty of God. That is simply the most comforting doctrine and bible truth that I hang on to during life's many trials. May you find your 'freedom' in God's will as well.
Blessings, The Adams clan

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