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Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Home Trials...

JC Ryle says;
The plain truth is, that home trials are one of
the many means by which God sanctifies and
purifies His believing people.

These trials are spiritual medicines, which
poor fallen human nature absolutely needs.

By them He keeps us humble.

By them He draws us to Himself.

By them He sends us to our Bibles.

By them He teaches us to pray.

By them He shows us our need of Christ.

By them He weans us from the world.

By them He prepares us for "a city which
has foundations," in which there will be
no disappointments, no tears, and no sin...(end excerpt)
  I do not automatically think 'This trial is for my good', but I have learned to do that very soon after I become vexed by a trial in our lives. It REALLY is for our good. Our eternal good and Gods glory. We dont have to understand it. It is just so.
  It is often difficult to know what to say to folks who are going thru trying times. But, not yet having the mind of Christ , we dont need to know. Often if we just offer to pray for people they will know that we care. And, who better to go to with petitions for help for a person than the Lord?
  If they dont 'have the answer' they dont expect that you do. Acutally it is rather dangerous and prideful to think that we "know why' something or other is occurring in someones life.
  So as way of encouragement, if you are going through a trial in  your life, strive to remember that The Lord loves you and means it only for your good and His glory. I dont understand it, but I trust that it is so.
  May the Lord be your ever present help in time of need. Blessings~


Mazzou said...

That is very good!

''It REALLY is for our good. Our eternal good and Gods glory. We dont have to understand it. It is just so''.

Thank you for sharing!

Homestead Living said...

Good reminder. I checked out the website you listed and it looks great! Our culture is lacking men who are spiritual leaders of their homes and women who let them lead. What a wonderful tool for men who need some extra encouragement and the know-how!

The Adams Family said...

Its good to hear from you Marjorie! Blessings, Mrs. Adams

The Adams Family said...

Im so glad you looked into it! Blessings! Dana

16 blessings'mom said...

I just came across your blog and was both surprised and pleased to read how you view those daily trials. If you go to brunstad.org. and read a few articles, you will see that we too believe that God sends everything for our best, because He wants us to be saved and have victory over sin!


The Adams Family said...

Della, what an awesome family. Thanks for visiting. Ill check it out, blessings, Dana

Susan Evans said...

Job didn't even understand why he had to go through trials either, and God never told him. I love this post, because many times a hurting person just needs to feel loved. God uses suffering for our sanctification, and it always turns out to be a blessing, but many times we can't see it during the pain.

The Adams Family said...
