There is soo much going on with the earth is there not? Tsunami in Japan, tornadoes in Alabama and now here in Missouri! And if it isn't enough that the very earth itself is groaning~there are lots of people running around with interesting ideas...sigh! It can become discouraging if we let it. As usual, for me, my comfort comes from God's Word and being reminded that He is Sovereign! He is in control and He reigns. Even the heart of the king is in His hands turning it whatever direction He chooses! This earth truly is the Lords and the fullness there of.
As with the Alabama tornadoes, if you all who are reading know of someone affected by the Missouri tornadoes of yesterday~please give us their name so we can pray for them. We are waiting to hear from some folks near the area to see what other ways we may be able to help. Communication is slow at the moment. Communication with the Lord is not though. So in the meantime we pray!
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