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Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Friday, August 3, 2012

Please vote!!!! The Primary is Coming!!!

 Im not sure what your plans are for this Tuesday...but by the grace of God, may one of them be to get out and vote!
  We may have to endure a bit of heat, or perhaps we will need to vote after work and get home late~time is such a precious commodity...or you may need to lose an hour of sleep and get up early to vote before meeting your other responsibilities of the day.
  Whatever sacrifice you need to make on Tuesday in order to vote..it is worth it. It will not cost us our life, liberty or property to vote. AND if you vote it will stay that way!
  Please exercise your duty as a citizen and vote! There are good men who are on the ballot waiting to be elected. Waiting for the opportunity to fight for, and secure your freedoms.
  God bless America~