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Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Thursday, May 2, 2013

My favorite Carpet Freshner/Repellant recipe

  There are a lot of recipes out there on Home made carpet freshener. Of course we want to 'make' it as you avoid unnecessary chemical exposure by using natural ingredients in making your own.
  I always like to 'kill two birds with one stone"...so when I freshen the carpet I want to repel insects as well. So here is my favorite recipe....
  First of all get a zip lock bag. Write on it Carpet Freshener. Open and add an entire box of Baking Soda. Then at your preference and discretion add essential oils. If you look online you will find everything from 4-45 drops of EOs being added to that amount of Baking Soda. I, work with EOs quite a bit and I am comfortable with 15 drops of EOs for that amount of soda.
  So here are the EOs I add;
Citronella~2 drops
Eucalyptus~2 drops
Tea tree oil~3 drops
Peppermint~3 drops
Lavender~5 drops   After adding these drops to the ziplock full of Baking Soda, zip it up and mash the oils into the Soda. Then, get a fork and poke many holes in the bottom of the ziplock. Take your bag and shake it all over your carpet. I also like to put it in doorways and in bathrooms, on the floor.
  Many online recipes say to leave it on the carpet for 30 minutes....really? Hmm, I leave it on about ten or 15 minutes. That seems to do the job.
  A word of caution. I do not recommend any type of freshener be it natural or otherwise if you have crawling babies or small inside pets. Although the ingredients are natural they are very potent. This is another reason I don't leave it on the carpet for long. I have a house full of kids that could wrestle on the floor and inhale more than they should before being vacuumed.
  So exercise caution when doing this.
  Enjoy the sweet scent of your EOs and b  e comforted knowing that ticks and fleas will NOT be enjoying it!!!!
( In case anyone was wondering, I only suggest the use of 1. Heritage Essential Oils, 2. Young Living Essential Oils 3. Frontier oils that are specifically marked 'organic'.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this Brett and Dana. The green and healthy ways to clean are what we are wanting to use, all we possibly can.