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Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Thursday, May 23, 2013


  There aren't too many things yummier than organic mushrooms!!! Check out this meal!
  Complete with fresh organic kale from our garden!! What's for lunch at your house???

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Home made laundry soap

A 5 gallon bucket
A bar of Fels Naptha Soap
Washing Soda
Baking Soda
Optional essential oils
Optional Rosemary extract 
I thought sure I had posted this before! Oh we'll, Better late than never! 
  We used to have a front loader machine that this recipe worked great in. Now we have a top loader again and the only difference is that I now use more soap per load. No problem! So here are the ingredients:
1 bar Fels Naptha grated into a pot
4 cups of hot water added to melt the soap slowly.
Then stir in 1 cup borax and
2 cups of washing soda, and
1 cup of baking soda
Add more water if needed to melt it together. Now add 3 gallons of hot water to a five gallon bucket. Add your soap mixture and stir well. 
I actually use a drywall stirring tool that attaches to the end of a drill to mix mine but that is not necessary!

Once this is mixed you let it set, and gel overnight with a lid on it. ( always be careful with 5 gallon buckets of liquid and toddlers around!!!)
  I kept my old laundry soap containers to put our laundry soap in so I add it to these jugs in the morning after it has set, leaving a bit of headspace for shaking. I also opt to add essential oils to each jug. 
  I put in 5 drops of tea tree oil, it kills germs- 4 drops of peppermint and 3-4 of lavender. This is totally optional but we love the scent. 
  Also if you don't go through your bottles as quickly as I do, I advise adding a dropper full of Rosemary extract as a preservative. I have never had any spoil but any natural product can! That's what makes it so good!! Let me know how you like it!!

How does your garden grow?

We're eating radishes and lettuce as well we've been enjoying kale for some time. The peas aren't coming on like I had hoped, yet the beans look very promising!! I just started more pickling cukes today- all the tiny peppers and decent sized tomatoes are in- not too much else to do now but wait for our garden to grow!!!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013


  I still, with all that I know, find it shockingly disturbing that there is even such a thing as a need to fight for 'Food Freedom'.
  It was happy, albeit harmful, to just eat food~ believe the packaging when it said 'Natural' or 'Healthy'. Who would have ever dreamed about all of the garbage they put in milk, juice and honey.
  In the off chance we did know, we would naturally assume that it was 'tested' and 'safe'... Sigh.
  Well Praise be to God I no longer live in that ignorance. Think about it though...
  Isn't it INSANE that we have to fight for the right to drink raw milk, keep chickens or a goat....? Where DO city dwellers think food comes from?
  Not everyone is able to keep animals nor even have a garden on their own property in the suburbs...but should they not be allowed to have access to good food like we are who live on a farm?
  Sad state of affairs. Like I say, it is difficult to get used to the fact that we have to 'fight' to eat certain foods of choice, but it is the reality nonetheless.
  What kinds of things are you doing now to preserve or obtain some food freedom for yourself or your family? Even more, what can we do on a state or federal level?
  Have you heard about the new 'Farm Bill'? It protects everyone except the farmer. And true to form it is highly gratuitous to the big M....Monstrous Monsanto.
  I believe it is imperative for us, those of us who don't even care about what is in our food...to preserve our right to food freedom. You many not care what is in your food, but if we lose our food freedom the day will come when you too, will end up having to eat what you don't want to. Food freedom affects everyone.
  I would encourage you to vote wisely when called upon, vote for gmo labeling, vote against ANY constitutional amendments that work against the farmer...and don't rely on the lamestream media to tell you what the bills are truly about. Read them yourself.
  Its a sad day when we want truth in labeling and cannot easily get it. It is a sad day when we cant drink raw milk though men have drunk it for 6000 years and lived to tell about it.
  My desire is that we would all do our part in protecting this most basic, yet precious RIGHT...to put in our mouth and on our table, what we choose. May we all do something today to strive for our own

Friday, May 10, 2013

Spring is here!

I guess there are many
things more lovely than seeing a cow eat green grass.....But it certainly is a lovely thing to see! Our big brown cow eating green grass and giving us fresh white milk it truly a gift!
  RC Sproul Jr had a funny post , he said; I remember when raw milk had a different name; Milk.
  Isn't that true? For over 6000 years we have drank milk. Now some nosey uneducated (or rather over educated but lacking in knowledge and wisdom) bureaucrats have decided that a 6000 year habit is no longer healthy. Instead of renaming this staple food from the ages, they should rename that manufactured, unnatural, chemical laden stuff they make; Frankenmilk......just saying'

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Happy Birthday Abby!!!

So proud of our girl! Love and blessings to you on your birthday!!!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sweet 16!!!


Happy Birthday to you!! We pray you have a GREAT birthday and a fantastic party! Be blessed, you are a special blessing to your family! LOVE!!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

My favorite Carpet Freshner/Repellant recipe

  There are a lot of recipes out there on Home made carpet freshener. Of course we want to 'make' it as you avoid unnecessary chemical exposure by using natural ingredients in making your own.
  I always like to 'kill two birds with one stone"...so when I freshen the carpet I want to repel insects as well. So here is my favorite recipe....
  First of all get a zip lock bag. Write on it Carpet Freshener. Open and add an entire box of Baking Soda. Then at your preference and discretion add essential oils. If you look online you will find everything from 4-45 drops of EOs being added to that amount of Baking Soda. I, work with EOs quite a bit and I am comfortable with 15 drops of EOs for that amount of soda.
  So here are the EOs I add;
Citronella~2 drops
Eucalyptus~2 drops
Tea tree oil~3 drops
Peppermint~3 drops
Lavender~5 drops   After adding these drops to the ziplock full of Baking Soda, zip it up and mash the oils into the Soda. Then, get a fork and poke many holes in the bottom of the ziplock. Take your bag and shake it all over your carpet. I also like to put it in doorways and in bathrooms, on the floor.
  Many online recipes say to leave it on the carpet for 30 minutes....really? Hmm, I leave it on about ten or 15 minutes. That seems to do the job.
  A word of caution. I do not recommend any type of freshener be it natural or otherwise if you have crawling babies or small inside pets. Although the ingredients are natural they are very potent. This is another reason I don't leave it on the carpet for long. I have a house full of kids that could wrestle on the floor and inhale more than they should before being vacuumed.
  So exercise caution when doing this.
  Enjoy the sweet scent of your EOs and b  e comforted knowing that ticks and fleas will NOT be enjoying it!!!!
( In case anyone was wondering, I only suggest the use of 1. Heritage Essential Oils, 2. Young Living Essential Oils 3. Frontier oils that are specifically marked 'organic'.)

Oh Missouri, always on the fence.....

 I guess it isn't fair, and it may not be true, yet since the times of the un civil war, MO has been 'in the middle'. Half for union, half not.  It isn't quite that cut and dry I realize. But another battle rages here in this state (many actually) but I find this one particularly odd.
  Monsanto headquarters are in St Louis MO. Baker Creek in Mansfield MO. Two diametrically opposed world views. Each very influential. Figures both entities would be here in MO.
  There is simply not enough talk about GMO. The health dangers are mind boggling.
  You are aware that Monsanto, the chemical company who created agent orange, is just that. A chemical company pushing their wares. All for financial gain. Google all of the lies they tell and the misinformation they put out there.
  Especially dangerous now is the fact that many Monsanto men are in key govt positions. As well, they are protected by law from any lawsuits. You can google that as well. Why do they need protection from the law if what they are doing is lawful?
  Here is my latest rant on the 'Occupy Monsanto' website;