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Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Monday, February 3, 2014

Thou art with me

  I have already mentioned the night before the funeral -that we were having some difficulties and tension at the task our family was facing, writing up the order of service. I mentioned that at one point we all 'dispersed', and my son Malachi went upstairs to Charitys room and brought down some things he had found.
  I  had been up there several times the previous days looking for...something. Anything.
  I expect many parents would dread the thought of finding 'hidden writings' of their 16 year old daughter. In reality, we have 11 children and 'all children are not created equally'....but I was looking for something anyways. Anything, I didn't know what really..I found nothing. For the record though I would only expect to find good things coming from Charitys hand but I could not have hoped for something so  precious and timely.
  The fact that Malachi went directly to her room and found 'anything' was amazing at all, since I had looked so hard and long for naught. But more amazing was what he found. He found her hand written testimony, that was written a years ago.  Can you imagine finding a sweeter more comforting writing on the eve of your childs funeral? It was truly a gift. I post it here with her misspellings in all of their glory;) Be blessed!
My Testamony
When I was about 9 years old I relised that I wasent saved. The years befor that, I thought that I was a Christian becaus I was raised in a Christian family and my parents were Christians. Well for a long time I thought I would go to heaven because I lived in a Christian family. But afte I moved to Missouri and my dad wa a pastor I started learning more about what Jesus did for me. I told my dad that I wasent  saved. he asked me if I wanted to get saved and be baptized. I said yes. But relly I didn't know what getting saved reley ment. I just thought   getting saved ment you just had to say some prayer and then you were saved, a Christian, and going to heaven but I was wrong. My dad asked me if I wanted to pray out loud with   him and I said no becaus I was shy and embarressed
 but I know know relly why. I guess I was shy beause I get that way around my dad sometimes even thought I have known him my whole life. That is11 years. Anyways I just thought I was saved for a year that I wasent. Well after a year of thinking what wasent true I kept thinking about it and thinking about it also studeing and learning what it reley ment I found it hard to play, eat and sleep without thinking about it.Then one night I just couldn't sleep. I cried alone before going to see my mom and talk to her about it weeks and weeks I had been putting it off and waiting for the right time. Finally I forced myself to talk to mom about it. The only reason I had to force myself is becaus I didn't want my parents to see my cry. Well my dad was in the shower until my mom got him to pray with me. My mom told me what getting saved rely ment and about having faith in Christ to take me home when I die . I am assured that I am saved and going to heavin.



Jonica Hope said...

I've heard, and read, this testimony several times now and each time I'm still thankful for her precious faith. I'll NEVER forget Brett reading it at the Celebration. What a sweet, sweet girl!

Jade Davis said...

How very beautiful and precious this is. :)