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Clan Chrisdean: Scottish; Family of Christ bearers

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Clips of Christmas!!

We had a wonderful time! Thanks to our children and friends!

 It is so very difficult to get a good pic with 15 people! Even harder to find a place to hang that many stockings!
Adams family is so photogenic! JAX is doing pretty good. His mama discoverd that he has a mild allergy! Now if we can all just remember that and be careful what we give him to eat!

looks great! He has been working crazy hours at the Grill! He is off for a vacation and we will see
where the Lord leads him from there! We love you Ant!

 These are our dearly loved Scottish Country dance teachers! Raymond and Gloria, ...we had a hard time getting Brett and Raymond to behave long enough to take the photo! Its a bit blurry but at least Raymond is looking head on and Bretts eyes are open! LOL!
                                                           Our sweet honey boy JAX!!!
                                                     Thank you all for your prayers for him.
                                              It is hard to believe there were little ones running around all over but we got narry a pic of 'em all! They were too busy playing together and we were too busy visiting! And where are the girls???
                                                   Mike and April came for dinner as well.
                                           They are always so fun to have around!
Thanks for a Merry Christmas all! And may we all have a Happy Next Year! Blessings, The Adams Clan

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Look quick, before it's gone!

  Where does the time go? Fleeting childhood...being a mom since 1988, and now having grandchildren~the idea of fleeting childhood is a reality. Was it not just yesterday that we were praying that the Lord would give us many children? Surely it was only the other day that we were planning this house that we now live in! By the way, what is with the grey hair??? When did achy joints sneak in?
  We would like to interrupt this holiday season to draw your attention to the wonderful blessings that the Lord has given you...look quick! Chase them down the hallway and look them in the eye while you still can!
  Take the most of each moment~and never let homeschooling interfere with home discipling! May the Lord graciously remind us to be living for the eternal and not for the temporal. For another thoughtful post, visit my sweet friend Jacqueline and her beautiful blog. http://www.deeprootsathome.com/?p=14660&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+DeepRootsAtHome+%28Deep+Roots+at+Home%29
  Please remember to continue in prayer for the Sproul family during this difficult time. Blessings!

Monday, December 19, 2011

In Memory of Denise Sproul

Please go to; http://christianreader.com/. On behalf of the Sproul's, thank you, Brett/Dana

R.C. & Denise SproulDenise Sproul was a wife, mother, teacher, and friend. She was married to Dr. R.C. Sproul, Jr. and the mother of eight beautiful children. In addition, she wrote a column for each issue of Every Thought Captive magazine, and her writing has appeared in several other national publications. Denise was a joy to be around and brightened every place she went. She is now being brightened by the joy of her Lord. She went home to Glory on December 18, 2011 after a long battle with cancer.
Tolle Lege Press had the honor of publishing her book, Tending Your Garden. In exchange for your donation of any amount by January 31, 2012, we will send you a copy of this special book. 100% of the proceeds will go directly to R.C. Sproul, Jr. and his eight children.

Tending Your Garden:Wisdom For Keepers At Home
Tending Your GardenBy Denise Sproul • Foreword by Carol DeMar
If you are a mother or hope to be one someday then this book is for you! It is short and easy to read which makes it perfect to put down and pick back up again. But it is so practical and engaging that you will not want to put it down.
Denise Sproul was the wife of R.C. Sproul, Jr., and the mother of eight children! So she certainly speaks from experience. The fact that a mother of eight can write a book both encouraging and enlightening attests to the fact that she has seen the fruits of her labors!
That being said, this book is not for the faint of heart! If you have ever tended a garden, you know that it requires much work and constant vigilance. This analogy works well throughout the book. The weeds must be removed and the garden cultivated continually. At some point, all mothers must answer the inevitable question, "Do you work or do you stay at home?" The answer is a definitive "Yes." As Denise puts it, the two are not mutually exclusive.
"Denise is my friend, so when I read her words, I see her face and hear her voice. But even before we were friends, I loved reading her articles in Every Thought Captive. I find myself mulling over and reflecting on her message throughout the next several days. Readers will find this collection of essays in Tending Your Garden just as refreshing and encouraging. Denise writes as one sister sharing with and exhorting another sister as we rejoice in our calling to "tend our garden." — Beall Phillips
Mothers must take their role seriously. The example set forth in Proverbs 31 is that of a woman who works hard caring for her children and providing for her household — among many other things! If you stay at home with the children, then you are doing the work that God has called you to do, so don't be apologetic. If you are even trying to do all that you should, this is a tremendous undertaking.
While the work is never ending, keepers at home are (in most cases) very blessed and should view it as such. "Generally speaking, unlike many of our husbands, we aren't dealing with cut-throat competition on the job…There isn't a great deal of office politics to maneuver around…Our commute to work is extremely short…We are, under our husbands, our own boss in the day-to-day labor." And I will add one of my own…the rewards at home are much more fulfilling than they are outside the home!
Perhaps the greatest blessing is also the most difficult…training up the next generation of warriors. The importance of this can not be overemphasized. This training is in and of itself an "act of war…a declaration to the world and to the powers of darkness that we will not sit back and let someone else's sinful agenda reign." If only this view permeated our thinking, how much easier many decisions would be!
Tending Your Garden was both a surprising and a challenging book. As I am single, I must confess that when I was given this assignment, I was not thrilled at the prospect of having to read a book which I was convinced did not apply to me right at this point in my life. But as I began working my way through its pages, I was surprised at just how practical and applicable this book really was…even for someone who I am relatively sure wasn't in the author's target audience. I was challenged by Denise's wisdom and insight and I believe that her book will be helpful to women of all ages. Those who are not yet married can store up knowledge, and even those who have passed that stage of life can use it to instruct younger mothers as Titus 2 calls them to do.

Hardback • Smythe-Sewn • 142 Pages


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Denise Sproul

  Please remember R.C. Sproul Jr. and his family. His wife Denise has gone home to be with the Lord. My heart breaks for the grief their family must be experiencing, those precious children who are missing their mother, R.C who will never hold his wife again this side of eternity. Please keep praying for them for months from now when the waves of grief visits them again. The comfort is that she is with the Lord and their trust is in Him who does all things well.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Check out our FOR SALE page!!!

Just in time for the Holidays. 2 beautiful reenacting dresses. Jump over to the FOR SALE page and check them out! Thank you!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

We Wish You a Merry Christmas!

It is interesting that some believers choose to not say 'Merry Christmas' as well as non believers! Of course for very different reasons! Well wherever you are  in your walk and understanding of what pleases the Lord~We wish you well! We thoroughly enjoy the Christmas season. It is a natural time of year to remind our children of their need for a Saviour and that He came! Just as at Easter time when we remind our children that "He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!"
  However you choose to celebrate we pray that you recognize your blessings, share them with others and thank our Gracious God for them as we do!
  Share with us how you celebrate this time of year! Merry Christmas to all and to all a blessed life!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Sons of Georgia!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Many of you already know, but we had the privilege of helping film a movie this year. It is named "The Sons of Georgia". I am pretty sure that everyone of us here in the Adams household is in that movie somewhere!
  Our family also had the privilege of providing many of the costumes and props for the film. Because we have been involved in (un) Civil War reenacting for 12 years, we had much to offer!
  The movie is close to final completion. There is only the music left that needs to be added and paid for. Music for a movie runs 40$-$400 per MINUTE! If you can imagine!
  In order to help raise funds for the completion of this project, the Sons of Georgia team are making the film available for prepaid purchase.
  We hope that you are able to help bring the project to its final production by purchasing a copy today! You wont regret it! It is not only a wonderful story, but it is written, produced and acted by a huge group of wonderful Christian young/old  people who are making a difference in the type of films available for family friendly viewing.
  Thank you and God bless, The Adams Clan for 'The Sons of Georgia'.
To purchase a DVD please go to: www.shopsonsofgeorgia.net  
Official Website: www.sonsofgeorgia.com
Also: If you pre-order your copy of the Sons of Georgia DVD by January 1st you will get 15% off your purchase!